Hi all,

Well, it seems my avoiding further surgery has come to an end. It has now been six and a half weeks since the MIC-Key was removed from my tummy. You will recall that this was supposed to close and heal naturally, but unfortunately it has not closed. Until this past week milk was still leaking from my tummy. After much research and consternation, Mom and Dad have decided to go ahead with scheduling the surgery and close off the stoma. So tomorrow morning Dad will be contacting Prof Beale; we’ll know from then what the next steps are – I’ll keep you posted.

On Monday was the usual OT in the morning and an extra session for Mom for physio. Over lunchtime Aunty Shazza visited with Mom and I before flying back home to Australia after a hectic long weekend in South Africa. It was so great to see her again, and both Mom and I were very sad that we had to say goodbye again. In the evening, Dad took charge of my cares, which resulted in tonight’s blog title. At the start of the week I was still being topped and tailed, in a hope that the stoma will close. Once my Dad had done all of this he was holding me in his arms in the study as I drifted off to sleep after another yummy milk bottle. As I dozed, I gagged, to which Mom and Dad are perfectly attuned – immediately Dad jumped up and sprinted with me to the bathroom to hold my head over the basin. It was a false alarm, but the 4 second trip up the passage was hilarious. As the lights were dimmed and Dad held me in his arms, he couldn’t see the floor properly. One step into the passage and Dad’s foot connected an unsuspecting cat taking a leisurely stroll to the kitchen. A step later, his foot connected another cat, and then the same for the next two steps. Dad very dexterously managed to keep his balance, and returning to the study discovered that all four cat-under-foot experiences were owed to Maple. The poor old kitty, in his attempt to run away from the action did nothing but keep getting into the action, all of three times more! Mom was giggling hysterically, as apparently poor ole Maple was spun around at least 10 times before coming to a standstill. Dad examined him for any injuries, of which there where none other than his ego. Maple spent the rest of the evening cowering under the bed.

On Tuesday I slept late so it didn’t make sense to head off to Mom’s group at Norscot Manor to meet my friends, so I chilled at home with Mom. On Wednesday morning Mom and I went to Cresta to change some clothes for Mom, and to get some photographs printed for Opa and Granny. We had lunch at Nino’s and then we headed off to Ryan and his Mom Claudia; while we were there we also met Ryan’s Dad. Thursday morning was the opposite of Tuesday morning, as I was up at the crack of dawn for a physio appointment for Mom – she is still struggling with some backache.

Friday morning we went to physio (this time for me) and briefly stopped in at Granny and Tammy in order to say a quick hello and have a hug. I also gave Granny a photo album that I had arranged for her. We made a quick stop at home for a lunch for me, and then we headed off to meet Aunty Bev for a nibble and tea at Lifestyle Centre. At Lifestyle I got to ride on a real horse which was great fun. I woke up really excited on Saturday morning as we were heading off to Amy’s birthday party. We spent the morning there, and as the weather was good we spent the time out on the patio. I also visited with Chloe for a while at Amy’s birthday party, but all the excitement got too much for her and she headed off for a snooze, but not before we shared some popcorn on the patio.

On Sunday Dad hung my new swing in the back patio – it’s a really great swing as I can lie in it on my back or tummy, or later I can even sit up in it. It also swings in every direction and it rotates, all of which is really good for my vestibular system.

Well, that’s it for tonight – short and sweet.

Lots of love,


Figure 1 Spending some quality time with Aunty Shazza

Figure 2 Giggles with Aunty Shazza

Figure 3 Playing ball with Dad

Figure 4 No, I don’t have a problem!

Figure 5 Shatzi takes up residence at the bottom of my bed

Figure 6 Cutie pie

Figure 7 Peek-a-boo

Figure 8 Snoozing bunny

Figure 9 Playtime

Figure 10 Snacking with Bev at Lifestyle Centre

Figure 11 Horsing around

Figure 12 Checking out the thoroughbred

Figure 13 Hiding under my cot

Figure 14 Drinking some of Dad’s water

Figure 15 Chloe and I sharing some popcorn

Figure 16 Enjoying the winter rays

Figure 17 Smiles

Figure 18 Amy enjoying some of her Noddy birthday cake

Figure 19 Getting ready to mount my steed

Figure 20 Some more horse-play

Figure 21 Swinging under the patio

Figure 22 Tummy time in motion

Figure 23 Sharing a ring-doughnut with Dad – yum

Figure 24 Happy reading

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