I have a friend called Jarrod. He’s by far my best friend, and I’ve seen him all week day and night.

He’s an interesting fellow who reminds me so much of myself and soooooo much of his father. He has moments of drama, but has this quiet thoughtful quality that keeps asking questions. Jarrod has recently taken to joining mine and Norwin’s bed with a string of questions… does this kids brain every stop thinking. Doesn’t he get that its 12am? Doesn’t he get that it’s better to have a drink before bed and not at 1:30am. Does he know it’s not ideal to engage me before 6am? My favourite for the week was “Mom, Dad’s still asleep, let’s go play trains!” “What’s in it for me babe?” “TEA Mom, I’ll make it for you.”

Hook, line, sinker. (I made Norwin get up, just to ensure the accuracy of the story!)

Jarrod’s been out of sorts the last few weeks, viral maybe, becoming bacterial, who knows, but headaches have been on the rise. He’s in complete denial about the headaches, but rubs his head, in a way only Mom knows. He’s concentration has been on the rise recently and has done his work at school. Jarrod has been involved in all sorts of concoctions of food and packing.

Monday he asked me for a Jake (from the Neverland Pirates), and I got the wrong one so I promised to see if I could find the right one. The discussion went on for hours. Is this just a relentless ability to wear me down, or an exceptional ability to stick to one line of discussion for hours? I fell asleep before he did; I’m not sure how long the discussion continued for. My Mom (Granny) joined us at Pick ‘n Pay to do our grocery shopping, and Jarrod had the patrons in absolute hysterics. He called them ‘My Maties’, he saluted others, hopped out the trolley, got me flowers, and got himself 4 t-shits. He giggled and even my Mom asked was he always like this. This is my child. He’ll be on the stage one day or he’ll be leading some kind of new age view on life. At least he laughs. There were moments I wasn’t sure he would. I love how he laughs, from his belly or the bottom of his toes.

I returned on Tuesday with the correct Jake, but was asked why. I explained a promise was a promise and had to be kept. “Oh, so if I promise to do well at school, I have to do it?” Cha-ching!

Tuesday brought with it mild frustration as I cannot find the disks of Jarrod’s angiograms, so hat in hand I’ve had to approach the hospital again. Tuesday Jarrod and I did a ton of unpacking (yes we’re still unpacking). It’s like a candy store for a kid, we keep finding things we haven’t seen in ages. Our lounge is set up and our family room is cozy and ‘The Woman’ upstairs wears high heels till 10 -11pm at night. Girls, you know if you get the call.

Wednesday was the second day Dad was booked off, he had vampire eyes; viral conjunctivitis and bronchial infection. Despite this after music we headed off to the airport via Gautrain to drop Dad off, as he was travelling to Gaborone. Well did Jarrod get his own back at me for everything I have ever done. The drama bug got him. With his head back and his hands in the air he wailed the entire length of the domestic terminal at the airport that “life was so unfair, and why oh why did his Daddy have to go, I want my Daddy” I tried to pacify him in-between stifled giggles, and hoping no one thought I was kidnapping the child. I had a plan in case they did, and then it would start again…. “It’s awful, I want my Daddy, why oh why is life so unfair”. I tried to convince him that he had been through worse things. Not in his world. All the way on the train home he sobbed and sobbed. At least Dad knows he’s loved. It was an hour flight so pretty soon we were able to Skype which helped. Whew!

Thursday I collected Jay-Bee and headed to the Breadbasket next door. We got some high-tea type snacks and left for home. Ryan, Joseph, Morgan, Matthew and Mickey were coming to visit. The girls, i.e. the Moms had to stay downstairs and the boys caused havoc upstairs. Some chaos ensued, and they decorated cupcakes, they played trains, and played trains. It was an awesome day. It turned into a little evening thing, and they all had dinner together – fish fingers, veg and chips. A few og the boys bathed, and some didn’t as they hit the wall. It was a great evening as well. Once our guests had left, Jarrod and I sat alone talking about the day and what we enjoyed. Jarrod admitted to me that he finds numbers hard. I had to admit that so do I, but I’ve learned and he admitted to me he would like to learn to. I reminded him, that he’s really good with letters and words. It was such a touching moment. Gentle and honest; no drama.

Friday after school I collected Jarrod to go to Lauren, he was difficult and stubborn and then ended up have a rave of a time. Back home we headed to the Gautrain to collect Dad, he was still ill, but happy to be home and back with us. On his travels he’d picked up a Mike from Monster’s University for Jarrod. Jay-Bee was thrilled!

Saturday Dad and I got a little sleep in, an hour, it’s a big deal, let us have the moment. I went off to help Gran and to take Roxy to the “old age home” (she was being attacked by the foxies and was suffering due to her back carriage giving in) I stayed with her till she went and went home. I slept the afternoon, while Dad and Jarrod did some ‘quiet’ DIY, it’s very funny when you see the photos from the balcony. We all slept well and long Saturday night.

Sunday was a flurry of activity and it was Paul’s birthday. Jarrod made toast for breakfast, and I made tea. So cool to have him in the kitchen with me. He went out with his Dad to find gas for the heaters and in a few minutes they were back with four bottles. They then headed off to Sandton City for some errands and a walk-about. In the afternoon we all headed off to Pappachinos to celebrate and celebrate we did.

Well this has been mine and Jarrod’s week. He’s my angel, I thank him for the hugs, the love, the moments of sheer joy. For giving me an awesome purpose in life. I am so grateful that I got this loving, crazy child I called Jarrod.



Photo 1 ‘Helping’ Mom with dinner

Photo 2 Getting stuck into it

Photo 3 Jumping for joy at the Sandton Gautrain Station

Photo 4 In the lift with Dad

Photo 5 Big boy Jay-Bee can sit on his own

Photo 6 Watching the world whizz by at 160kph

Photo 7 Loving it

Photo 8 Making cupcakes

Photo 9 With my friends

Photo 10 Me, Missy and Mommy Skyping with Dad in Gaborone

Photo 11 Me and my Minion

Photo 12 Going through the car wash

Photo 13 Giggling at the foam

Photo 14 Dad and I doing DIY

Photo 15 Our lounge starting to look finished

Photo 16 Haagen-Dazs milk shake

Photo 17 A balloon from my birthday party, filled with HIFLOAT, still hasn’t come down

2 Comments on My Friend Jarrod

  1. Gillian says:

    Lynn it is so amazing to hear your take on this little boy you call Jarrod 🙂 Your bond is amazing – your courage and strength is astounding and you are truly blessed to have this little man in your life – You were hand picked to be his Mom and you are doing a sterling job – Love and Miss you Gillian

  2. Lisle says:

    Jarrod. if you are going to let your mom write on your blog, CAN IT PLEASE COME WITH A WARNING. she gets me everytime!! sitting at work having a good cry. ahh Lynn, you are your young man are amazing!!!

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